
Some generic comparison utility functions.

comparison Comparison utilities for STIX pattern comparison expressions.
observation Comparison utilities for STIX pattern observation expressions.

generic_cmp(value1, value2)

Generic comparator of values which uses the builtin ‘<’ and ‘>’ operators. Assumes the values can be compared that way.

  • value1 – The first value
  • value2 – The second value

-1, 0, or 1 depending on whether value1 is less, equal, or greater than value2

iter_in(value, seq, cmp)

A function behaving like the “in” Python operator, but which works with a a comparator function. This function checks whether the given value is contained in the given iterable.

  • value – A value
  • seq – An iterable
  • cmp – A 2-arg comparator function which must return 0 if the args are equal

True if the value is found in the iterable, False if it is not

iter_lex_cmp(seq1, seq2, cmp)

Generic lexicographical compare function, which works on two iterables and a comparator function.

  • seq1 – The first iterable
  • seq2 – The second iterable
  • cmp – a two-arg callable comparator for values iterated over. It must behave analogously to this function, returning <0, 0, or >0 to express the ordering of the two values.

<0 if seq1 < seq2; >0 if seq1 > seq2; 0 if they’re equal