API Reference

This section of documentation contains information on all of the classes and functions in the stix2 API, as given by the package’s docstrings.


All the classes and functions detailed in the pages below are importable directly from stix2. See also: How imports will work.

Python APIs for STIX 2.

core STIX 2.0 Objects that are neither SDOs nor SROs.
datastore Python STIX 2.0 DataStore API
exceptions STIX 2 error classes.
markings Functions for working with STIX 2 Data Markings.
patterns Classes to aid in working with the STIX 2 patterning language.
properties Classes for representing properties of STIX Objects and Cyber Observables.
utils Utility functions and classes for the stix2 library.
v20.common STIX 2 Common Data Types and Properties.
v20.observables STIX 2.0 Cyber Observable Objects.
v20.sdo STIX 2.0 Domain Objects
v20.sro STIX 2.0 Relationship Objects.